ответы и задания британский бульдог 2022-2023

Конкурс Британский Бульдог 2022 ответы и задания для всех классов 2-11

Задания и ответы для официального конкурса British Bulldog 2022 (британский бульдог) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 классов дата 14 декабря 2022 года олимпиада по английскому языку.

British Bulldog 2022 ответы и задания для 2 класса

1. Who is writing the letter?

  • A) Sue
  • B) Ann
  • C) Emma
  • D) Helen

Ответ: А

2. Who is she? She is a … .

  • A) student
  • B) doctor
  • C) manager
  • D) teacher

Ответ: А

3. Where does she live? She lives … .

  • A) in London
  • B) in a small village
  • C) in a little town
  • D) in a big town

Ответ: С

4. What pet does she have?

  • A) A dog
  • B) A cat
  • C) A horse
  • D) A rabbit

Ответ: В

5. What is its name?

  • A) Jane
  • B) Baby
  • C) Cori
  • D) Penny

Ответ: D

Посмотри на слова и выбери те, в которых буква «g» читается как [ʤ]

6. A) go B) gym C) god D) game

Ответ: B

7. A) pig B) big C) page D) grow

Ответ: C

8. A) cage B) gun C) gate D) goat

Ответ: A

9. A) frog B) grey C) green D) large

Ответ: D

10. A) bag B) age C) glass D) guitar

Ответ: B

Выбери слово и поставь его вместо многоточия, чтобы получилось правильное предложение

11. Meg … a very big dog.

  • A) are
  • B) is
  • C) am
  • D) have

Ответ: B

12. What colour … the walls?

  • A) am
  • B) is
  • C) are
  • D) has

Ответ: C

13. What time … it?

  • A) is
  • B) be
  • C) are
  • D) am

Ответ: A

14. I … a manager.

  • A)am
  • B)has
  • C)does
  • D)are

Ответ: A

15. I … want to read this book.

  • A)dont
  • B)arent
  • C)doesnt
  • D)be not

Ответ: A

Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы

британский бульдог 2 класс 2022

16. How many people can you see?

  • A)2
  • B)3
  • C)4
  • D)5

Ответ: D

17. What is the girl doing? She is

  • A)running
  • B)sitting
  • C)jumping
  • D)swimming

Ответ: B

русский медвежонок 2022

British Bulldog 2022 ответы и задания для 3-4 класса

Listen to the text and answer the questions

1. What does the boy like about the girl? Her … .

  • A) shoes
  • B) hairdo
  • C) bag
  • D) dress

Ответ: D

2. What party is the girl going to have at her school? … party.

  • A) A Halloween
  • B) An Easter
  • C) A New Year
  • D) A Christmas

Ответ: B

3. When will the children have a competition?

  • A) At 3 o’clock
  • B) At three thirty
  • C) At a quarter to 3
  • D) At a quarter past 3

Ответ: B

4. What does the boy wish the girl?

  • A) Good luck!
  • B) Bon appétit!
  • C) To be careful!
  • D) To enjoy herself!

Ответ: D

5. Where is the girl’s school situated?

  • A) Near the library
  • B) Far from the library
  • C) In the park
  • D) Opposite the bank

Ответ: A

Read the dialogue and answer the questions

Steve: How long are you staying in London? Anna: I’m going to stay for a fortnight and then I’m going to visit my relatives in Wales. They don’t live in London any more. I will spend a few days with them. Steve: Are you coming back to London after that? Anna: Yes, I’ll be back for a few days before I catch my plane home to Italy. I hope that the weather will be good by then. Steve: I’m sure it will be warm and sunny. Could we meet before you fly home? Anna: Yes, I’d love to. We can have lunch together. Steve: Okay, do you remember the café where we were last year? Anna: Of course, I do. Steve: Let’s meet there at five o’clock. Good-bye! Anna: See you.

6. Where do Anna’s relatives live? They live in … .

  • A) Wales
  • B) London
  • C) England
  • D) Italy

Ответ: A

7. How many days is Anna going to spend in London before leaving for Wales?

  • A) A week
  • B) Two weeks
  • C) One day
  • D) A few days

Ответ: B

8. Where does Anna live now? She lives in … .

  • A) Northern America
  • B) Australia
  • C) Southern Europe
  • D) Russia

Ответ: C

9. What will Anna and Steve do when they meet? They will … .

  • A) go to the cinema
  • B) walk around London
  • C) eat at the café
  • D) go to the museum

Ответ: C

10. When did Anna and Steve meet in London before?

  • A) At 5 o’clock
  • B) Next year
  • C) Yesterday
  • D) Last time

Ответ: D

Choose the correct variant

11. Why … wearing your dress now?

  • A) do you
  • B) you are
  • C) aren’t you
  • D) was you

Ответ: C

12. I have got … friends at school.

  • A) a lot
  • B) much
  • C) little
  • D) some

Ответ: D

13. … the girl’s hair long?

  • A) Has
  • B) Does
  • C) Are
  • D) Is

Ответ: D

14. Thats the boy is my friend.

  • A)which
  • B)whom
  • C)who
  • D)with whom

Ответ: C

15. Where you yesterday?

  • A)are
  • B)was
  • C)be
  • D)were

Ответ: D

Fill in the article

16. My father is

  • A) a artist
  • B) an artist
  • C) the artist
  • D) artist

Ответ: B

17. This is … where Jack lives

  • A) a houses
  • B) an house
  • C) the house
  • D) house

Ответ: C

русский медвежонок 2022

British Bulldog 2022 ответы и задания для 5-6 класса

1. Where is the International Clothes Show?

  • A) In Big Ben
  • B) In Scotland
  • C) In Africa
  • D) At the Royal Lion Hotel

Ответ: D

2. When will the show start?

  • A) At ten to eight
  • B) At eight
  • C) At eight thirty
  • D) In fifteen minutes

Ответ: B

3. What can they see in the first part of the show? Clothes for … .

  • A) aged people
  • B) middle-aged people
  • C) newborns
  • D) youngsters

Ответ: D

4. Who will show clothes on the catwalk?

  • A) Cats and dogs
  • B) Boys and girls
  • C) Designers
  • D) Nobody

Ответ: B

5. What colour are the jackets?

  • A) Red
  • B) Purple
  • C) Orange
  • D) Blue

Ответ: C

6. At what time is it possible to see skirts, cardigans and jumpers?

  • A) At ten to eight
  • B) At eight
  • C) At half past eight
  • D) In fifteen minutes

Ответ: C

7. Where are the jumpers from?

  • A) From Africa
  • B) From Europe
  • C) From Asia
  • D) From America

Ответ: B

8. Why will they stop the show for a while?

  • A) To have a snack
  • B) To go home
  • C) To change clothes
  • D) To try on new clothes

Ответ: A

9. How long will the break last?

  • A) 10 minutes
  • B) 15 minutes
  • C) Half an hour
  • D) One hour

Ответ: B

10. What are the people prohibited to do during the show?

  • A) To watch the show
  • B) To enjoy themselves
  • C) To take photos
  • D) To rise to their feet

Ответ: D

Read the text and answer the questions

Crocodiles are large reptiles. Some of the largest crocodiles grow to the length up to 7 metres. Their skin is very thick and is covered with hard and rough scales. All crocodiles live near water, whether it is a swamp or marshy area, lake or river, and they spend a great part of their time there. Being able to walk quite easily on their large flat feet, they can manage to run if necessary and sometimes slide on their stomachs. In the water they are strong swimmers. When swimming a crocodile places its limbs against its body and propels through the water by swinging its massive tail from side to side.

They will often stay wholly still in the water for long periods with their bodies below the surface of th ewater. Only their nose, ears and eyes are visible, asthese are all on top of the head. Although they need to breathe air, crocodiles have the ability to dive beneath the water and remain there for some time. It’s interesting that crocodiles swallow their prey most of the time and their eyesight is excellent, but it improves in the evening. During dry seasons some crocodiles sleep in small borrows dug up by them in the river banks or at the bottom of drying ponds.

11. Which is one of the crocodiles’ habitats?

  • A) Deserts
  • B) Mountains
  • C) Swamps
  • D) Steppe

Ответ: C

12. Where do crocodiles spend most of their life?

  • A) In the mountains
  • B) Under the ground
  • C) In the water
  • D) In the desert

Ответ: C

13. How can crocodiles move on ground? They can … .

  • A) jump
  • B) fly
  • C) slide
  • D) jog

Ответ: D

14. What are crocodiles very good at?

  • A) Jumping
  • B) Swimming
  • C) Jogging
  • D) Flying

Ответ: B

15. Which part of their body is more helpful for swimming?

  • A) Paws
  • B) Head
  • C) Tail
  • D) Eyes

Ответ: C

16. Which part of their body can you often see over the surface of the water?

  • A) Sharp teeth
  • B) A tail
  • C) The stomach
  • D) The nose

Ответ: D

17. Do the crocodiles need air?

  • A)Yes, they dont
  • B)No, they do
  • C)Yes, they do
  • D)No, they are

Ответ: C

18. What do crocodeles do with their prey most of time? They… their prey.

  • A) chew
  • B) strangle
  • C) cut into pieces
  • D) swallow

Ответ: D

19. What becomes better in the evening than it is usually? The crocodiles..

  • A) appetite
  • B) breathing
  • C) ability to see
  • D) ability to sleep

Ответ: C

20. When do some crocodiles fall asleep?

  • A) When its cold
  • B) When it doesnt snow
  • C) When its windy
  • D) When it doestn rain

Ответ: D

Fill in the gaps

21. Sofias birthday is … April 7 th.

  • A)in
  • B)at
  • C)for
  • D)on

Ответ: D

22. … any messages for me?

  • A)is there
  • B)will there
  • C)are there
  • D)was there

Ответ: C

23. It … all day long yesterday.

  • A) was rained
  • B) raining
  • C) rained
  • D) has rained

Ответ: C

русский медвежонок 2022

British Bulldog 2022 ответы и задания для 7-8 класса

1. When does the Greenham Family Festival take place? In … .

  • A) spring
  • B) summer
  • C) autumn
  • D) winter

Ответ: B

2. Who are the first performers to appear on the stage?

  • A) The drummers
  • B) The singers
  • C) The jazzmen
  • D) The guitarists

Ответ: A

3. Where are these performers from?

  • A) California
  • B) They are local citizens
  • C) Nigeria
  • D) London

Ответ: C

4. Who is the local performer?

  • A) The Bundy Boys
  • B) The Jarrow Jazz Band
  • C) Shady Sisters
  • D) Amy Brownlow

Ответ: D

5. Which musical instrument does Amy Brownlow play? The … .

  • A) drum
  • B) guitar
  • C) piano
  • D) violin

Ответ: B

6. When does the Jarrow Jazz Band appear on the stage?

  • A) At 5 p.m.
  • B) At 5 a.m.
  • C) After the break
  • D) Later in the evening

Ответ: A

7. Whose latest CD can the people buy?

  • A) The drummers’
  • B) The singer’s
  • C) The sisters’
  • D) The jazzmen’s

Ответ: C

8. What can you not buy at the stalls around the park?

  • A) Food
  • B) Drinks
  • C) Toys
  • D) Clothes

Ответ: C

9. How much does the portrait cost?

  • A) Two pounds
  • B) A pound and a half
  • C) One pound D) It’s free

Ответ: C

10. What will be at the end of the festival?

  • A) Fireworks
  • B) Disco
  • C) Gala concert
  • D) Meeting

Ответ: A

Read the text and fill in the most suitable word.

Once, a beautiful maple tree grew in the centre of a large park. All summer it was … (11) with green leaves. Many people sat on the green grass under it and enjoyed its cool … (12). But along with the fall came a … (13) in the maple tree. Its green leaves began to … (14) red and yellow.So everyone said, “How beautiful … (15)!” The maple tree was glad to hear it and she became… (16) and vain. She spread out her branches sofar that a little pine close by was almost hidden from … (17). “It doesn’t matter,” said the maple, “No one cares to look at him, he is … (18) plain little tree.” The pine heard the unkind words and sighed. Just then a cold wind passed and said, “Why do you sigh, little pine?” The pinereplied, “I sigh because the maple is so … (19) beautiful than I am.” The wind felt sorry for him and whispered, “Only wait!” In a few days the leaves of the maple tree turned brown and fell to the ground. When the snow came, there was but one bright cheerful spot in the whole park, the brave pine with the needles … (20) they were when they first came out.

11. A) spread B) covered C) planked D) drowned

Ответ: B

12. A) shade B) roots C) purity D) shadow

Ответ: D

13. A) change B) desease C) disaster D) destruction

Ответ: A

14. A) revoke B) have C) turn D) acquire

Ответ: C

15. A) the tree B) is the tree C) the tree is D) the tree was

Ответ: C

16. A) violent B) proud C) successful D) independent

Ответ: B

17. A) scene B) sight C) scenery D) look

Ответ: B

18. A) so B) such C) such a D) so a

19. A) much B) more C) the most D) much more

20. A) so green B) as green C) green as D) such green

Fill in the gaps

21. She is taller

  • A) than he
  • B) him
  • C) than he is
  • D) than his

22. She had to have her phone number because she was receiving obscene calls.

  • A) change
  • B)changed
  • C)to change
  • D)will change

23. the end, he agreed with his mother

  • A) at
  • B) about
  • C) in
  • D) on
русский медвежонок 2022

British Bulldog 2022 ответы и задания для 9-11 класса

Listen to the text and answer the questions

1. What is the headmaster’s name?

  • A) Mrs Bolton
  • B) Mr Bolton
  • C) Mr Ward
  • D) Mrs Ward

Ответ: A

2. What do the headmaster and the woman want to discuss?

  • A) The pupils’ progress at school
  • B) The trip
  • C) The lessons
  • D) The timetable

Ответ: B

3. How long does the Bluebell Line Railway run for?

  • A) Less than 34 km
  • B) 34 km
  • C) More than 40 km
  • D) 40 km

Ответ: C

4. When is the Bluebell Line Railway open?

  • A) In winter
  • B) All the year round
  • C) Only in summer
  • D) From April to the end of autumn

Ответ: D

5. What are Grime’s Graves?

  • A) Tombs
  • B) Craters
  • C) Canyons
  • D) Caverns

Ответ: D

6. When did Grime’s Graves appear?

  • A) In 1865
  • B) In 1899
  • C) In 1973
  • D) Several thousand years ago

Ответ: D

7. Where does the headmaster suggest going to?

  • A) Tower of London and Dover Castle
  • B) Bluebell Line Railway and Fairground Museum
  • C) Grime’s Graves and Fairground Museum
  • D) Bluebell Line Railway and Dover Castle

Ответ: B

8. What does the woman not like about going to the Fairground Museum? It’s … .

  • A) closed in spring
  • B) opened all the year round
  • C) for kids
  • D) opened only in winter

Ответ: A

9. Where did they decide to go after all? To … .

  • A) Tower of London
  • B) Fairground Museum
  • C) Grime’s Graves
  • D) Dover Castle

Ответ: D

10. Which is not the reason in favour of the trip to Dover Castle?

  • A) It’s close to school
  • B) They can go there in spring
  • C) There’s a discount
  • D) The castle was built 5,000 years ago

Ответ: D

Read the text. For each space choose the correct answer

People often worry about the effects of new technology. Not surprisingly, video games are no … (11). They are frequently … (12) for a range of social problems, while the benefits they can provide are seldom mentioned. In fact, video games are entertaining with new ways of playing which … (13) to a wider … (14); they can be educational, enabling children (and adults) to … (15) in innovative learning. It is often thought that people who play computer games are lonely souls, rarely at … (16) in the company of others. However, while that may have been the case when gaming was … (17) a single-player activity, this is far less so now. The games industry, responding to the needs of an increasingly diverse audience, is bringing out products that not only offer, but actually … (18) on collaboration, interaction and teamwork. This collaboration may be with a group of people gathered around the same computer or online, with players from all corners of the world joining in. The solitary pursuits of the past have been almost completely replaced by interactive environments that are so socially rich that winning the games may become … (19) to collaboration, networking and self-discovery. Indeed, it can be argued that these multiplayer games, far from keeping people … (20) actually help to bring people together.

11. A) example B) exclamation C) exception D) contradiction

Ответ: C

12. A) blamed B) accused C) absolved D) found faults

Ответ: A

13. A) appeal B) repel C) addressed D) interesting

Ответ: C

14. A) society B) eyewitnesses C) publicity D) audience

Ответ: D

15. A) intend B) exclude C) introduce D) engage

Ответ: D

16. A) ease B) relaxation C) quietness D) inspiration

Ответ: B

17. A) not B) predominantly C) at random D) accidentally

Ответ: B

18. A)unite B)depend C)suggest D)include

Ответ: B

19. A)firs B)secondary C)third D)example

Ответ: D

20. A)aloof B)absorbed C)apart D)interested

Ответ: C

21. I have never witnessed anything like this before has my sister

  • A)Either
  • B)Neither
  • C)Too
  • D) So

Ответ: B

22. This street be very dark untill the new lights were installed.

  • A)used
  • B)used to
  • C)was used
  • D)got used

Ответ: B

русский медвежонок 2022

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